LSAMP at Queens College

LSAMP Program for Undergraduate Students

LSAMP Program at QC

LSAMP Program at Queens College

The Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program is a CUNY-wide 2-year program that provides supports for freshman (30 Apprentices) and sophomore (10 Fellows) students at Queens College to conduct research on STEM disciplines.

30 LSAMP Apprentices will be selected from STEM majors during their freshman year. The Apprentices will be engaged in introductory level research courses and workshops (mandatory), and short-term research activities (optional).

10 LSAMP Fellows will be selected from the Apprentice cohort in the sophomore year. During their sophomore year, the 10 LSAMP Fellows will work with a faculty mentor on a research project. Each Fellow will be paid a $3000 stipend upon completion of the fall, spring semester and summer research program. LSAMP fellows are expected to spend about 200 hours (in total) on research.