Letter from the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Students are central to everything we do, and ensuring their success is a core value and the mission of the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. Our most successful students have been those who have chosen to be involved both inside and outside the classroom. The Student Affairs and Enrollment Management team is here to support, encourage, and even challenge you to broaden your Queens College experience by becoming involved.
Queens College is a special place, with a diverse student population and a rich tradition as a commuter school. With over one hundred clubs and organizations, student government and leadership programs, media organizations and thousands of programs annually, there are many ways to experience Queens College. In addition, if you haven’t found it, we’ll help you create it!
It is our hope you will utilize this resource as a tool for your success. The Student Affairs and Enrollment Management team believes that our work with students has value, meaning, and purpose. It is a privilege and honor to work with such bright and motivated students.
Should you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to call on us. We are here to help you succeed.
Be well,
Jennifer L. Jarvis
“Our goal is simple: to create and build a strong sense of community.”
– VP for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Office Information
Bldg.: Student Union, Room 300
Phone: 718-997-5501
Student Affairs Email: vpsa@qc.cuny.edu
Enrollment Management Email: vpesr@qc.cuny.edu
Jennifer L. Jarvis
Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Sean J. Pierce
Interim Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
Dwayne D. Jones, Sr.
Dean of Students
Maria Fosco
Director of Administration and Events
Irving Uribe
Executive Assistant to the VP
Javette Smallwood
Executive Assistant to the VP

Active Shooter Preparedness
Anywhere they occur—a campus, a store, a house of worship, a block party—mass shootings cause tremendous loss and lasting trauma. To give people strategies for protecting themselves in these circumstances, the Office of Communications and Marketing and the Office of Public Safety collaborated with the Department of Drama and Theater on Active Shooter Preparedness. Watch the video.
The Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management will advocate for students and their development by placing students at the center of all we do. We appreciate each student’s uniqueness, and will strive to provide students with the intellectual and experiential opportunities to make connections.
The mission of the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management is to enhance the growth of each student beyond the classroom experience. In order to achieve this, the division will provide students with the tools to be able to be independent, ethical, educated, responsible and energized citizens focused on serving a diverse, global community.
Guiding Principles
The success of our students is the most important measure of progress at Queens College. Given this, we are guided by and committed to:
- Serving as guides for students’ holistic development, through self-exploration, self-acceptance, and self-realization.
- Promoting active learning by providing intellectual and experiential opportunities for students to become engaged citizens in a diverse community.
- Providing a diverse and inclusive community that encourages involvement and advocates for a free exchange of ideas.
- Valuing intellectual creativity, critical thinking, leadership, ethics and excellence in every facet of their lives.
- Promoting integrity, trust and personal responsibility.
- Helping students in decisions which enhance their college experience.
- Valuing, respecting, monitoring and advocating for students and their development.