Project Protocol

In order to provide clear communication and limit delays due to misunderstandings, we have instituted the following as a project management aid. We hope with this implementation we will achieve successful completion of our joint projects.

B&G Special Projects Protocol

1. Advance Notice: B&G requires a minimum of ten (10) business days notice before any project can be added to the schedule, in order to mobilize the required Trade(s). This does not include work that B&G will deem “Emergencies”.

2. Kickoff Meeting: Prior to the start of any project, the Superintendent responsible for the project location will meet with and discuss all aspects of the project.

3. Project Scope: A detailed scope of work and construction drawings will be required before a project will be approved and placed on the schedule.

4. Project Schedule: A project schedule from the assigned Project Manager will be required. This must include a start date and expected completion.

5. Work Orders: Once a project has been approved by B&G, work orders must be submitted for all tasks to enable timely completion by the assigned trade.

6. Funding Approval: Final funding approval will initiate the actual project, and project completion will be based on this date.

Please note: Project completion may be affected by utility shutdowns, material procurement and available funding.

B&G Campus Work Request Notification Schedule (WRNS)

Campus Community

Trade WRNS
Carpentry 25 workdays
Custodial As needed
Electrical 20 workdays
Engineering 10 workdays
Laborer 10 workdays
Maintenance As needed
Painting 20 workdays
Plumbing 15 workdays