In remembrance to our loved ones lost to COVID
Cynthia L. Adams
Massimo Albano
Elpidio Aspiroz
Parasram Bahadur
Oreen Baker
Cecil Aaron Baldeo
Diana Barulich
Ann Baum
Mary Berner
Eugene Bernstein
Eric Jacob Bowen
Mary Brunhuber
Mary Ann Calderon-Padilla
Alfredo Bonilla Cano
Alexander Carrazana
Rosa Delia Carrera
Maria Eugenia Carrera
Josephine Catterson
Shujaur Reza Chowdhury
Salvatore Cinque
Max Cisneros
Eva Coppola
Catalina Cordero
Pedro Cordero
Ines Maria Cordova
Francisco Cruz Chapero
Freddy D’amico
Allyson Daniels
Charles DeJesus
Ronald Dorcelet
Alioune Faye
Chiang Wang Fei
Irwin Feldman
Rosa Fiacco
Lenin Fierro
Evelyn Fleischer
Lamont General
Juan Francisco Gutierrez
Monirul Huda
Jaime Humberto
Alan Hurtado
Rodrigo Izurieta
Aaron Amian Jagroop
Theodore Jones Sr.
Jose Julme
Marie Julme
Sophie Kakavas
Michael C. Kelly
Gloria E. Kelly
Lou A. Kouvaris
Urszula Krauze
Amelia LaCilento
John Lambert
Carmen Lastique
Dolores Lawlor
Mary Rotolo Lesniak
Zoraida Endo Li
Edgar Luna
Antoinette Lupola
Peter Marcelle
Deacon Carlos Alberto Martinez
James McGuire
Reñe McLean
James Richard Memoli
Roberto Enrique Merino Sr.
Frank Paul Miller
Juma Maulid Mohammad
Olivia de Muriel
Gerardo Muriel
Karl Muszel
Maurice Ojwang Sr.
Carolyn O’Neill
Feliciano Orduna
Dhruv Parti
Ante Peroš
Sierra Jasmine Phillips
Carlos M. Pineda
Juan Adrian Puertas
Nanir Putki
Jacob Radin
Christina Rama
Christian “Tito” Ramirez
Felix Rincon
Jorge Rios
Migdalia Rodriguez
Julio Rojas
Haydee Rojas
Corinne Rosenholtz
Carmen John Rotolo
Dorothea Ryan
Bassam Saba
German Silva
Phagu Dayal Singh
Taijram Singh
Joseph Anthony Szalkiewicz
Minas Tajerian
Johnson Tang
Carlos Tauriz
Rosalba Leiva Tejada
Rafael Torres
Mashuk Uddin
James Vance
Leonor Villegas
Andrew Vince
Dr. John D. Vogelsang
Shumao Wang
Xin Wang
Daw Khin Khin Win
James Augustus Yhap
Resources for loved ones
Coping through COVID: Due to the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 on New York City, ACS and the City of New York have developed a list of resources for those seeking assistance.
Youth.gov: Resources to Support Youth and Families
This ChildCare.gov COVID-19 Resource and Information page provides direct links to national Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources as well as state- and territory-specific child care information and resources to help both families and child care providers stay informed about the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on child care. https://childcare.gov/covid-19
Sesame Street in Communites
When someone dies, children may have questions that can be difficult to answer. A death related to COVID-19 may be especially difficult or confusing for both children and adults. But there are ways to help families talk about death, express their feelings, and grieve together. These resources can help. https://sesamestreetincommunities.org/subtopics/covid-related-grief/
COVID Survivors for Change
COVID Survivors for Change is a non-partisan nationwide community of people who have been directly impacted by COVID. We share our stories, support each other, and advocate for a stronger pandemic response to save the lives of others. https://covidsurvivorsforchange.org
In remembrance to our lost loved ones in the Queens College Community
Peter Brancazio, Adult Education Marianne Cooper,
GSLIS Lawerence Eisman, ’55
ACSM Kalma Shapiro Feinsod, ’46,
ACE Babette Solon Hollister, Economics
Eliott Mendelson, Mathematics
Johnson Tseng, Economics
Joseph R. Brostek, ‘55 Executive Director of Events and Alumni Affairs
William Helmreich, Center for Jewish Studies
Dolores Lawler
Robert L. Agnes, ‘66
Louis Badinelli, ‘64
Robert D. Bohen, ‘68
Virginia C. Walker Callahan, ‘45
Renee Sobel Diamond, ‘68
Jack Eber, ‘69
Sheryl Mankofsky Fabi, ‘74
Ralph Gismondi, ‘01
Ruth Rosen Gold, ‘74
Joseph S. Sedgwick Hawley, ‘75
Pamela Haynes
Doris A. Berkley Herman
Robert Klein, ‘66
John E. Koveleski, ‘94
Robin L. Zernit Lamkay, ‘64
Roberta Landers, ‘82
Corky Y. Lee
William T. Morris, ‘80
George Papazicos, ‘79
Kaliope Kentrotas Papazicos, 83
Frank Puppola
Allen Rogoff
Dezann K. Romain, ‘09
Vincent J. Scire, ‘85
Dorothy L. Wells, ‘98
Arlene R. Kirschenbaum Zide