Looking to give back to your community and beyond?
The Office of Student Develop and Leadership provides our students with impactful volunteer, community service and civic engagement opportunities.
Email Volunteer@QC.CUNY.EDU to learn about what upcoming events we have
Queens College Traditional Volunteer Events
Did you know that volunteering can allow you to explore new cultures, learn life skills and expand your horizons? Getting involved with any one of our volunteer initiatives will help you develop your social responsibility, communication, and leadership skills, as well as allow you to connect with your peers and community partners while providing important services to areas in need whether it be on or off campus!
Some of our traditional volunteer and service learning programs include:
- Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week in November
- Alternative Spring Break where you will service on campus and in the local community
- Knights Day of Service
- Harvest Fests with the Knights Table Food Pantry the first Wednesday of every month
- Adopt a family
- QC Care Days with the Pomonok Community Center
QC Knights Green Pledge

Through the QC Knights Green Pledge we aim to engage students, staff and faculty and challenge them to live more sustainable lives. By taking part in this pledge you agree to promote the following: recycling, reduction of waste, conservation of energy and using reusable items.

Are you an outside agency/nonprofit looking for volunteers?
If you represent an outside agency/nonprofit and are looking for student volunteers with your organization, please email volunteer@qc.cuny.edu.
Gamma Beta Phi National Community Service Honor Society
The Gamma Beta Phi Society is a national honor and service society. The QC chapter was founding in Spring 2023 with 110 new founding memebers. Stay connected with the volunteer opportunities they have to offer by following their instagram QC_GammaBetaPhi
Our watchwords are service, scholarship, and character, and we aim to broaden our members’ academic and philanthropic lives so that they may graduate ready to make a difference in the world.
The goals of the society are:
- To recognize and encourage education
- To promote the development of leadership ability and character in its members
- To foster, disseminate, and improve education through appropriate service projects
Student’s are invited to join via email by Nationals:
- Invited students may be graduate or undergraduate students
- Invited students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher
- Invited students will have completed at least 6 credits at Queens College
Volunteer with the Knights News
Set up starts at 11:00am where you would meet in the Knights News office room LL35 in the lower level of the Student Union, distribution starts at 12:00pm to 2:00pm. You can opt into volunteering for the entire 3 hours or what ever works for your schedule!
Learn more about the Knights News at TheKnightsNews.com or check out their Instagram: @theknightsnewsqc
QC Care Days with the Pomonok Community Center!
This volunteer opportunity is a bi-weekly commitment. We ask that all volunteer who sign up for this are able to commit to this bi-weekly responsibility as our community partners are important to us and when we share there will be volunteers they count on them to make sure projects are able to get done and plan around the number of volunteers they expect to have. This new initiative starts on Friday September 8th until December 1st. from 2:00pm to 5:00pm.
Missed the first one no problem! You can still sign up! Click here to register!