Contact Information

Need Help? Visit Drop-In Hours! CETLL is located in Kiely Hall Room 111 Phone: (718)-997-4650 For pedagogical related inquiries: Subscribe to our email list Socrates, to receive announcements about upcoming events, workshops, and other offerings....

Rubric for Evaluating Online Instruction

If you are looking to evaluate your own hybrid or online course, or if you are asked to observe a hybrid or online course being taught by a colleague, try using a rubric for online instruction. One rubric we strongly recommend was developed by California State...


We expect our students to use appropriate language when participating in an in-class discussion or talking to us during office hours, when answering written questions on an exam or writing up a term paper. We know that our students don’t talk to their professors the...

Guidelines Regarding Final Examinations

The guidelines below are from the Office of the Provost, repeated here for guidance for faculty who teach online. Take special note of recommendation 8, which specifies that these recommendations apply regardless of mode of instruction. These guidelines were developed...