Welcome to the Department of Sustainability Initiatives
Learn about the strategies we adopt to conserve energy to maintain a safe, efficient, and fiscally smart environment.
Queens College has advanced energy conservation by implementing best practices in its facilities management activity’s operations and maintenance components. Below is a list of examples of areas of activity that have resulted in energy conservation and associated savings:
- Energy-conserving changes were made to equipment run schedules for all days of the week. This was designed to lower energy consumption during hours when buildings are not occupied. The reduced run time of equipment was approximately 200kw daily, otherwise required to run numerous equipment, while we maintained required building comfort hours after classes and overnight.
- Non-essential elevators were scheduled to be off on Fridays and weekends throughout the summer. This measure reduced wear and tear on equipment and saved energy while maintaining adequate services for the campus community.
- Timers were installed to reduce the energy the power-consuming indoor tennis facility lighting system used. This saved energy during unoccupied times and when lights were left inadvertently on while no one occupied the space.
- Ten thousand 32w T8 fluorescent bulbs were replaced with reduced wattage 25w replacement bulbs. These bulbs are rated to last three times longer, provide equal or better light output, save energy, and reduce maintenance. In just one of our completely retrofitted buildings, we realized the energy savings equal to energy consumption of approximately 6-7 average American households.
- Control valves were installed on energy-inefficient cast iron radiators, providing better occupant comfort, increasing the heating system’s efficiency, and saving energy and wear and tear on the heat distribution system.
- Over the last five years, hundreds of steam traps have been replaced, greatly increasing the steam system’s efficiency, reducing losses in energy consumption from burning fossil fuel to create steam, and reducing wear and tear on auxiliary distribution equipment.
Office Information
Sustainability Initiatives
Facilities Planning & Operations Office
Kiely Hall, Room 710
718-997-2880 phone
718-997-2882 fax
Facilities Planning & Operations Office
Kiely Hall, Room 710
718-997-2880 phone
718-997-2882 fax