Bilingual Extension For Pupil Personnel

Applications for the Bilingual Extension for Pupil Personnel Program will not be reviewed or accepted for the Spring of 2023 semester.  Applications will be reviewed for the Fall of 2023 semester. 

Program Description

The Department of Educational and Community Programs provides a sequence of courses for practicing school counselors, school psychologists, and school social workers who currently hold provisional or permanent certification in their respective disciplines and are seeking the bilingual extension. The 15 credit sequence of courses is approved by the New York State Education Department and includes a field component. The purpose of the sequence is to prepare school counselors, school psychologists, and school social workers to provide bilingual educational, psychological, and mental health services to linguistically diverse students and parents in school settings. Candidates completing the 15 credit sequence will be eligible for the New York State Education Department’s bilingual extension in their respective fields.

The bilingual extension sequence of courses is specifically designed for pupil personnel in the fields of school counseling, school psychology, and school social work. Candidates in those various fields take courses together in order to receive an interdisciplinary training experience. Candidates obtain competencies as follows:

  • Awareness of cross-cultural differences
  • Knowledge of the second language acquisition process
  • Knowledge and skills in using a variety of culturally sensitive assessment tools
  • Skills in developing and implementing culturally responsive school-based interventions
  • Skills in providing culturally responsive consultation services to other school personnel
  • Knowledge and skills to work with linguistically and culturally diverse families
  • Skills in multicultural counseling
  • Knowledge of educational programs appropriate for bilingual students and English language learners.


Due to the impact of the COVID-19 virus, there are currently no regular in-person office hours. For all matters, please send an email to or You will receive a response within the next work day. Thank you for your understanding.

Program Co-Coordinators

​For additional information about the Bilingual Extension for Pupil Personnel or to schedule an interview, please contact us as indicated below:

Dr. Emilia C. Lopez – School Psychology
Phone: 718-997-5234

Dr. Lourdes M. Rivera – School Counseling
Phone: 718-997-5313

For information about the bilingual extension for social workers, please contact Dr. Rivera or Dr. Lopez

Admissions and Application

​To be admitted to the bilingual extension sequence, a professional must have:

  • a graduate degree in school counseling, school psychology, or social work;
  • a valid New York State license or certificate in one of these discipline areas;
  • current employment in the respective discipline while studying for the extension and providing bilingual services;
  • and an interest in a bilingual extension in one of these disciplines.

All candidates will be interviewed by sequence advisors. At the time of the interview candidates must submit the following documentation:

  • a copy of a graduate transcript and diploma from the institution that granted the degree in the candidate’s discipline;
  • a copy of a valid New York State license or certificate in the candidate’s discipline; and
  • a letter from the candidate’s principal stating that he/she is currently employed as a bilingual clinician and that his/her job responsibilities include providing educational, psychological, and mental health services to bilingual students and families in the candidate’s specific language competencies.
  • a copy of the New York State Bilingual Education Assessment examination scores.

Candidates applying for the bilingual extension sequence of courses must complete and submit an application form to the Office of Graduate Admissions. Once the application is complete, candidates will be invited for an interview with the program directors. All documentation must be submitted in order for your application to be considered complete and ready for review. Candidates may be eligible for tuition support via the Intensive Teacher Institute, a New York State-funded program. For additional information, see the section on Tuition Support.

Course Sequence

​The courses required for the Bilingual Pupil Personnel extension are listed below. Course sequence may vary depending on when candidates enter the program.

  • ECPSP779. Multicultural Issues in Schools. 3 cr. (Offered in the Fall semester).
  • ECPCE803. Multicultural Issues in Counseling. 3 cr. (Offered in the Spring semester)
  • ECPSP866. Multicultural Interventions. 3 cr. (Offered in the summer)
  • ECPSP861. Assessment of Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students (Offered in the Fall semester)
  • ECPCE814. Advanced Seminar in Counseling Applications. 3 cr. (Offered in the Spring semester as per availability)

For course descriptions see the Queens College Bulletin.

Fieldwork Requirements

​As part of the bilingual extension sequence of courses and as required by New York State, candidates are required to complete a minimum of 50 hours of field based related bilingual experiences. Candidates will be required to complete multiple assignments that are field based as part of several of the courses in the bilingual extension sequence. As such, candidates must be working in in their respective disciplines and in school settings while providing bilingual services to children and families.


​Candidates must demonstrate bilingual proficiency by passing the language proficiency exam required by the New York State Education Department, the Bilingual Educational Assessments.

Candidates must maintain a B average (3.0 grade-point average) and demonstrate professional dispositions and attitudes. Candidates who achieve a course grade of less than a B– or who fail to demonstrate professional dispositions or behaviors must meet with the program advisors. Candidates’ performance will be reviewed by the program advisors every semester. All candidates must meet appropriate academic and scholarship standards to remain in the program and to complete the program. Candidates must also demonstrate appropriate personal, professional, and ethical conduct as established by the program and their perspective professions (e.g., ethical and professional standards in school counseling, school psychology, and social work). All candidates are subject to review, and sanctions, including dismissal, as a result of academic and/ or professional deficiencies. As per college policies, candidates who have less than a B average cannot be recommended for the bilingual extension or for successful program completion. Candidates who obtain less than a B average will be required to complete additional work and/or to retake courses in order to achieve a grade point average of at least a B (3.0 average).

Program Completion

​Candidates must complete 15 credits as outlined in the course sequence section. Candidates must maintain a B average (3.0 grade-point average) and demonstrate professional dispositions and attitudes in order to be recommended for the bilingual extension. Upon satisfactory completion of the program, candidates will be recommended for the bilingual extension to the Office of Teacher Certification. As per college policies, candidates who have less than a B average cannot be recommended for the bilingual extension or for successful program completion. Candidates who obtain less than a B average will be required to complete additional work and/or to retake courses in order to achieve a grade point average of at least a B (3.0 average).