Procedures for Offboarding
Returning of Personal Possessions

It is important that we return employees’ personal possessions, either to them or to their legal representatives, as soon as practicable. Often, departments are contacted directly by a legal representative, heir, or other relative seeking possession of an employee’s personal effects. In those instances, and where departments become aware that personal items have been left at the College, we ask that you notify the Office of the General Counsel and Human Resources immediately for assistance.

Vacation Pay for Deceased Staff

CUNY Policy 5.24 Vacation Pay for Deceased Staff

In the event that any member of the instructional staff of the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York should die while in service and before using all accumulated annual leave time, the compensation to such deceased member shall continue until the end of a period equal to his or her accumulated unused annual leave, and such compensation shall be payable to the legal representatives of the deceased member. (BTM,1977,08-01,017,__)
