Political Science Minor

Minor Requirements:
Students should take at least 18 credits in political science, including:
1. Two of the following introductory courses: American Government and Politics (PSCI 100); Principles of Political Science (PSCI 100); Current Political Controversies (PSCI 102; Comparative Politics (PSCI 103); International Politics (PSCI 104); and Political Theory (PSCI 105).
2. Four 200-level elective courses.
PSCI 200 and/or a seminar are not required, but may be taken for credit towards the minor.
Transfer students who plan to major in political science may use up to 6 transfer credits towards the minor, regardless of the number of political science credits earned at other institutions. A minimum of 12 credits must be taken in the department.
Declaring a Minor in Political Science
All students wishing to minor in political science must fill out a Minor Concentration Form, have it approved by a Political Science Faculty Advisor and submit the approved form to the department office prior to applying for graduation. The department will not approve students for graduation without this form.