Alerts & Cases

QC Navigate has functionality that allows faculty or advisors to submit alerts about students. These alerts are configured centrally, but the follow-up involves communicating with the student and routing the alert to the office responsible for supporting the student.

Remember that nothing is better than for you to communicate directly with a student in trouble: you know best what assignments a student may be missing, or what needs to be worked on to improve a grade. But these alerts are useful when you need to bring in external support.

Alert categories

Currently Available

  • Recurring Absence: student hasn’t been attending class regularly or hasn’t been responsive to emails or other communications from you
  • Missing Essential Assignments: student has missed significant or essential assignments or other required work, and is in danger of receiving a failing grade
  • Needs Academic Support: student should consult with a tutor or peer mentor from the QC Learning Commons

Coming Soon

  • Needs financial aid support
  • Needs financial assistance
  • Needs one-time campus access
  • Needs tech support
  • Referral to Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)
How to submit an alert
  1. Login to QC Navigate at, using your CUNYfirst credentials
  2. Click on “Issue an Alert” on the right side of the screen; this will open up a pop-up:
    1. Enter the student’s name or ID number
    2. Select the reason you believe the student needs assistance
    3. Select the class associated with this alert
    4. Enter any additional information you think may be useful to the support unit that this alert refers to (this is optional, and won’t be seen by the student)
    5. Click “Submit”
  3. You can also find the “Issue a Alert” link on the right panel of any of your students’ profiles.
Frequently asked questions

Can students see the comments I enter for the alert?
No, students won’t be able to see your comments, but anyone (faculty or advisor) with access to the student’s profile will be able to see your comments.

Any information you add to the student’s record in QC Navigate becomes part of their QC records, and can be requested by a student, as provided for by FERPA (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act).

I can’t find the student I want to enter an alert for.
Student has dropped your class: It’s possible that a student you’re trying to submit an alert for has dropped your class, and so won’t appear in the list of students in your classes, and, depending on the kind of access to Navigate you have, you may not be able to find the student at all. To check whether a student has dropped your class:

  • Look for the “Record My Class Attendance” on the right hand Quick Links panel of your Professor home, and click on it.
  • For the class where you think the student should be enrolled, click “Census” to enter a page that will list your class roster, including a column indicating drop status.

Student has a common name, or a name that’s easy to misspell: Just entering the student’s name in the Alert dialog box may not work well, if the student has a common name (more than one choice will appear, and you won’t know which one to choose) or if you accidentally mistype the student’s name. Try finding your student from the list on your homepage:

  • Click the “Home” button at the top of the left navigation bar.
  • Look for the “Students in My Classes” list, scroll to find your student, and click on the student’s name to go to their profile page.
  • From the student’s profile name, click on “Issue an Alert” in the right hand panel. From that dialog box, you can select the reason and the class the alert is associated with, and enter any comment to add context to the alert.
How to keep track of the resolution
  • Your student will receive an email with a notification about the alert you have submitted and providing instructions on what next steps the student should take.
  • For alerts that require follow-up, a case will be opened in QC Navigate, and assigned to someone who will reach out to the student. To view the case and track its progress, click on the “Cases” icon in the left navigation menu,