Helpful Information

We realize sending your son or daughter to college can be a bittersweet experience for you. So, we want to provide you with the most information and support possible to help with the transition. Feel free to contact us if we can be of assistance with any part of your son’s or daughter’s housing experience.

Throughout this website, you will find helpful information regarding payment of housing fees, life in Summit Apartments, and other resources for your convenience. We welcome your calls or e-mails as our staff is eager to make you feel comfortable with your decision to have your son or daughter stay with us.

Please note, due to the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), we may be limited in what specific details we can discuss without written consent from the resident. Click here for more information about FERPA. Contact information can be found on our Staff page.

People moving into The Summit.

Helpful Hints For Parents

  1. Encourage your child to be open-minded.
    • Your child will meet a variety of students.
    • Encourage communication with roommate(s) and apartment staff.
  2. Be prepared.
    • This is as big of a change for your child as it is for you.
    • Make sure the resources are secured for tuition, fees, and housing. Take a look at our financial resources information.
  3. Enjoy this time and celebrate it.
    • Celebrate the success of your child and the new adventure he/she is embarking on.
  4. Be a coach rather than a solver of problems.
    • Be there for your child as a sounding board.
    • Do not try to solve problems for your child, they are an adult and learning the skills to cope on their own.
  5. Ask about courses rather than focusing on grades.
    • Talking to your child about how classes are going enables your child to open up more about how they are enjoying the classroom experience.
  6. Expect change.
    • You and your child will change throughout the college experience.
    • Encourage your child, as well as yourself, to be open to new things.
  7. Help break bad habits
    • Ensure that you and your child are proactive in developing healthy coping skills as well as breaking habits that lead to procrastination as well as other detrimental activities.