MS in Education: TESOL
Program Director: Lauren Heffernan; Lauren.Heffernan@
Graduate Admissions Director: Mitchell Proux; Mitchell.Proux@
Graduate Advisor: Dana Calvet; Dana.Calvet@ (Advisor for currently enrolled students. Prospective students interested in our programs should reach out to the Program Director.)
Queens College Internal Program Code 540 (Not for NYSED certification)
For NYSED program codes for certification purposes, see the Certification Office Program Code search tool found here.
This graduate program prepares students for New York State certification to teach English as a New Language (ENL) (also called English as a Second Language (ESL) or English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)) in school settings (all grades). The curriculum is grounded in the study of the structure of human language in general and English in particular, and addresses issues of language acquisition, literacy, educational technology, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics. The program emphasizes involvement with both elementary and secondary schools: it provides a student teaching course and field experiences in two methods courses at both levels.
We offer flexible tracks for our graduate programs (MSED/ MA/Post Master’s Advanced Certificate) that include hybrid and fully online classes.
Admissions Requirements
These requirements are in addition to the general requirements for admission.
- Completion of bachelor’s degree with a 3.0 GPA minimum
- As of 11/15/21 Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score is no longer required for admissions.
- Applicants whose first language is not English and who do not hold an undergraduate or graduate degree from an accredited American institution of higher education must submit proof of having achieved a score of 600 or higher on the paper-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or equivalent.
- Three letters of recommendation
- A personal essay of approximately 500 words
- The credentials of each applicant will be examined by the Linguistics Graduate Admissions Committee. Prior to admission, an interview will be requested, which includes demonstration of oral and written English language proficiency.
- The number of applicants approved for matriculation is limited by available resources. Therefore, applicants who otherwise meet minimum requirements for matriculation may not necessarily be admitted.
- Application deadline: November 15th for Spring matriculation.
Maintenance Requirements
- Minimum overall grade point average of B (3.0)
- All students must make an advisement appointment with the Program Director before the end of their first Fall semester of study.
Degree Requirements
These requirements are in addition to the general requirements for the Master of Science in Education degree.
- For students who possess a New York State teaching certificate, satisfactory completion of the following 39 credits: LCD 701, 702, 703, 705, 706, 707, 712, 720, 740.3, 741.3, 742, 790, 796.
- For students who do not possess a New York State teaching certificate, satisfactory completion of the following 44 credits: LCD 701, 702, 703, 705, 706, 707, 712, 720, 740.4, 741.4, 742, 790, 794, 795.
- Completion of course requirements with a minimum overall grade point average of B (3.0).
Additional Certification Requirements for All Students
- Language Other Than English: A minimum of 12 credits or the equivalent of study of a language other than English (LOTE). Those credits may be taken at any accredited college or university. Students may be granted the equivalence of 3-12 LOTE credits of this requirement (without the awarding of actual college credits) by exam. The credits are not needed for admission but for graduation with certification.
- CLEP Exams: A score of 50 on the CLEP exams in French, Spanish, or German will count as equivalent to 6 credits. A score of 59 in French, 60 in German, and 63 in Spanish will provide the equivalence of 9 credits.
- NYU Exams: Other credit-equivalence for the purpose of this requirement options include New York University Foreign Language Proficiency tests, which include over 40 languages. A score of 12 points will be equivalent to 9 credits, and 16 points for 12 credits.
- European Union Official Exams: Level A1 = 3 credits, A2 = 6 credits, B1 = 9 credits, B2 = 12 Credits. These exams are given at semi-official cultural institutions such as the Cervantes Institute, Alliance Française, Instituto Italiano di Cultura, and the Goethe Institute.
- Scores and credits may be combined as long as they involve different languages (e.g., CLEP 50 in German and 6 college credits of Korean; 4 college credits of Japanese, 8 credits of Spanish). College credits in American Sign Language are accepted. Other systems of showing LOTE learning such as Military Language Proficiency Tests are also acceptable at the discretion of the program. LCD 101 or 102, although they meet the Language College Option Requirements, are not accepted.
Tuition Information
Please see the QC Bursar’s Office website for the latest tuition information:
(Make sure you reference the Graduate Student tuition schedule)
Financial Aid Possibilities
QC Foundation Graduate Student Scholarships: Available to full and part-time matriculated graduate students demonstrating exceptional scholastic ability who are enrolled in a Queens College Master’s program in the Fall 2022 semester. See the following link for additional information: Make sure to click on link provided within the text “Entering Graduate Students please apply here for scholarships by April 1.” for the scholarship application link.
The NYS Masters-in-Education Teacher Incentive Scholarship Program provides eligible students with a full-tuition scholarship for a master’s degree at a State University of New York (SUNY) or City University of New York (CUNY) college or university.
Students seeking their first initial certification (i.e., have no prior NYS certification) may wish to apply to the Teacher Opportunity Corps through the following link:
Course Descriptions
LCD 701. Introduction to Linguistics. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Structural aspects of language most relevant to the ESL and/or literacy teacher.
LCD 702. Teaching English Sentence Structure I. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 701. Introduction to the grammar of English and applications to teaching ESL, Part I.
LCD 703. Teaching English Sentence Structure II. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: LCD 702. Introduction to the grammar of English and applications to teaching ESL, Part II. Continuation of LCD 702.
LCD 705. Language and Cross-cultural Communication. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 701. The acquisition and use of non-native languages from a cross-cultural perspective. Introduction to research on how non-native speakers learn the sociolinguistic and pragmatic rules of the target language and how inappropriate use of such rules often results in miscommunication between native and non-native speakers. Developing effective pedagogical techniques in teaching communicative competence to ESL learners.
LCD 706. Bilingualism. 3 cr.; 3 hr. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 701. Sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic properties of bilingualism, legal history, and educational foundations of bilingual education. Bilingual education will be compared to other approaches. An emphasis is placed on the implications of bilingualism for ESL and/or literacy teachers.
LCD 707. Evaluation and Measurement in TESOL. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: LCD 703 and 741. Discussion of contemporary issues and problems in ESL testing. Construction and evaluation of reliable tests in all areas of language skills. Analysis of published standardized ESL tests, such as LAB and TOEFL.
LCD 712. Multiple Literacies in TESOL. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 741. This course provides a strong background in the teaching of the multiple literacies that English language learners need to thrive in today=s technologically changing society. The class explores the teaching of traditional alphabetic literacy skills involved in the English Language Arts. It also prepares students for instruction in emerging forms of communication, including media literacy, information literacy, and information technology. Components include assessment, methods, and materials development.
LCD 720. Teaching English Sound Structure. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 701. Introduction to the sound structure of English and applications to teaching ESL.
LCD 740. Second Language Acquisition and Teaching. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 701. Introduction to the linguistic and pedagogical theories and methods of teaching ESL. There is a field experience requirement
at various school settings in conformity with New York State certification requirements. Classes may sometimes be held at these off-campus locations.
740.3. 3 hr. plus 25 hr. of fieldwork; 3 cr. (For students who possess a New York State teaching certificate.)
740.4. 3 hr. plus 50 hr. of fieldwork; 4 cr. (For students who do not possess a New York State teaching certificate.)
LCD 741. Methods and Materials of TESOL: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing. Prereq.: LCD 702 and 740. This course is a comprehensive review of the methods and materials used in TESOL/ESL classes to teach the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The class covers how to adapt methods and materials to suit learner populations of different ages and at varying levels of English proficiency. The role of instructional technology (e.g. audiovisual, multimedia, computers in ESL instruction) will also be addressed. There is a field experience requirement at various school settings in conformity with New York State certification requirements. Classes may sometimes be held at these off-campus locations.
741.3. 3 hr. plus 25 hr. of fieldwork tutorial; 3 cr. (For students who possess a New York State teaching certificate.)
741.4. 3 hr. plus 50 hr. of fieldwork tutorial; 4 cr. (For students who do not possess a New York State teaching certificate.)
LCD 742. Methods and Materials of TESOL: The Content Areas. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: LCD 741. In this course students learn the principles and practices for TESOL/ESL through academic content areas such as mathematics, science, social studies, and language arts. Readings, model lessons, and authentic materials are used to examine the theoretical issues involved and apply them to teaching practices for ESL learners at the elementary and secondary levels.
LCD 790. Seminar in Research in TESOL. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: LCD 707 and 742. Analysis of selected research studies related to TESOL.
LCD 794. Student Teaching Internship in TESOL I. 3 hr. plus 20 hr./wk student teaching; 3 cr. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 742. Supervised student teaching in ESL classes, plus a weekly seminar at the College. (For students who do not possess a New York State teaching certificate.)
LCD 795. Student Teaching Internship in TESOL II. 3 hr. plus 20 hr./wk student teaching; 3 cr. Prereq.: LCD 794. Supervised student teaching in ESL classes at either the elementary or secondary level, complementing the level of student teaching in LCD 794, plus a weekly seminar at the College. (For students who do not possess a New York State teaching certificate.)
LCD 796. Student Teaching Internship in TESOL for Certified Teachers. 3 hr. plus 20 hr./wk student teaching; 3 cr. Prereq.: LCD 742. Supervised student teaching in ESL classes, plus a weekly seminar at the College. (For students who possess a New York State teaching certificate.)
Admissions Requirements
These requirements are in addition to the general requirements for admission.
- Completion of bachelor’s degree with a 3.0 GPA minimum
- Submission of Graduate Record Examination scores. NEW!: GRE submission requirement suspended through Fall 2020. Please contact program for details.
- Applicants whose first language is not English and who do not hold an undergraduate or graduate degree from an accredited American institution of higher education must submit proof of having achieved a score of 600 or higher on the paper-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or equivalent.
- Three letters of recommendation
- A personal essay of approximately 500 words
- The credentials of each applicant will be examined by the Linguistics Graduate Admissions Committee. Prior to admission, an interview will be requested, which includes demonstration of oral and written English language proficiency.
- The number of applicants approved for matriculation is limited by available resources. Therefore, applicants who otherwise meet minimum requirements for matriculation may not necessarily be admitted.
- Application deadline: June 15 for Fall matriculation (study may commence in the Summer).
Maintenance Requirements
- Minimum overall grade point average of B (3.0)
- All students must make an advisement appointment with the Program Director before the end of their first Fall semester of study.
Degree Requirements
- For students who possess a New York State teaching certificate, satisfactory completion of the following 39 credits: LCD 701, 702, 703, 705, 706, 707, 712, 720, 740.3, 741.3, 742, 790, 796.
- For students who do not possess a New York State teaching certificate, satisfactory completion of the following 44 credits: LCD 701, 702, 703, 705, 706, 707, 712, 720, 740.4, 741.4, 742, 790, 794, 795.
- Completion of course requirements with a minimum overall grade point average of B (3.0).
Additional Certification Requirements for All Students
- Language Other Than English: A minimum of 12 credits or the equivalent of study of a language other than English (LOTE). Students may be granted the equivalence of 3-12 LOTE credits of this requirement (without the awarding of actual college credits) by exam.
- CLEP Exams: A score of 50 on the CLEP exams in French, Spanish, or German will count as equivalent to 6 credits. A score of 59 in French, 60 in German, and 63 in Spanish will provide the equivalence of 9 credits.
- NYU Exams: Other credit-equivalence for the purpose of this requirement options include New York University Foreign Language Proficiency tests, which include over 40 languages. A score of 12 points will be equivalent to 9 credits, and 16 points for 12 credits.
- European Union Official Exams: Level A1 = 3 credits, A2 = 6 credits, B1 = 9 credits, B2 = 12 Credits. These exams are given at semi-official cultural institutions such as the Cervantes Institute, Alliance Française, Instituto Italiano di Cultura, and the Goethe Institute.
- Scores and credits may be combined as long as they involve different languages (e.g., CLEP 50 in German and 6 college credits of Korean; 4 college credits of Japanese, 8 credits of Spanish). College credits in American Sign Language are accepted. Other systems of showing LOTE learning such as Military Language Proficiency Tests are also acceptable at the discretion of the program. LCD 101 or 102, although they meet the Language College Option Requirements, are not accepted.
Additional Certification Requirements for Students who do not possess a New York State teaching certificate in another area
- Educational/Development Core: Educational Foundations, Child Development/Psychology, Adolescent Development/Psychlogy, and Intro to Special Education. QC courses must be at the graduate level and include Foundations (SEYS 536); Child Development (EECE 710 or 711 or 712); Adolescent Development (SEYS 552); Foundations of Special Education (ECPSE 550). However, Undergraduate or Graduate courses in the same topics may satisfy this requirement. Please consult advisor.
- American History: American History I and II. QC courses are undergraduate and include HIST 103 and 104. It is also possible to take CLEP Exams to fulfill this requirement
- State Tests and Seminars: All students will be advised by the Advisor of additional New York State certification requirements (tests, seminars, etc.).
Financial Aid Possibilities
Course Descriptions
LCD 702. Teaching English Sentence Structure I. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 701. Introduction to the grammar of English and applications to teaching ESL, Part I.
LCD 703. Teaching English Sentence Structure II. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: LCD 702. Introduction to the grammar of English and applications to teaching ESL, Part II. Continuation of LCD 702.
LCD 705. Language and Cross-cultural Communication. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 701. The acquisition and use of non-native languages from a cross-cultural perspective. Introduction to research on how non-native speakers learn the sociolinguistic and pragmatic rules of the target language and how inappropriate use of such rules often results in miscommunication between native and non-native speakers. Developing effective pedagogical techniques in teaching communicative competence to ESL learners.
LCD 706. Bilingualism. 3 cr.; 3 hr. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 701. Sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic properties of bilingualism, legal history, and educational foundations of bilingual education. Bilingual education will be compared to other approaches. An emphasis is placed on the implications of bilingualism for ESL and/or literacy teachers.
LCD 707. Evaluation and Measurement in TESOL. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: LCD 703 and 741. Discussion of contemporary issues and problems in ESL testing. Construction and evaluation of reliable tests in all areas of language skills. Analysis of published standardized ESL tests, such as LAB and TOEFL.
LCD 712. Multiple Literacies in TESOL. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 741. This course provides a strong background in the teaching of the multiple literacies that English language learners need to thrive in today=s technologically changing society. The class explores the teaching of traditional alphabetic literacy skills involved in the English Language Arts. It also prepares students for instruction in emerging forms of communication, including media literacy, information literacy, and information technology. Components include assessment, methods, and materials development.
LCD 720. Teaching English Sound Structure. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 701. Introduction to the sound structure of English and applications to teaching ESL.
LCD 740. Second Language Acquisition and Teaching. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 701. Introduction to the linguistic and pedagogical theories and methods of teaching ESL. There is a field experience requirement
at various school settings in conformity with New York State certification requirements. Classes may sometimes be held at these off-campus locations.
740.3. 3 hr. plus 25 hr. of fieldwork; 3 cr. (For students who possess a New York State teaching certificate.)
740.4. 3 hr. plus 50 hr. of fieldwork; 4 cr. (For students who do not possess a New York State teaching certificate.)
LCD 741. Methods and Materials of TESOL: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing. Prereq.: LCD 702 and 740. This course is a comprehensive review of the methods and materials used in TESOL/ESL classes to teach the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The class covers how to adapt methods and materials to suit learner populations of different ages and at varying levels of English proficiency. The role of instructional technology (e.g. audiovisual, multimedia, computers in ESL instruction) will also be addressed. There is a field experience requirement at various school settings in conformity with New York State certification requirements. Classes may sometimes be held at these off-campus locations.
741.3. 3 hr. plus 25 hr. of fieldwork tutorial; 3 cr. (For students who possess a New York State teaching certificate.)
741.4. 3 hr. plus 50 hr. of fieldwork tutorial; 4 cr. (For students who do not possess a New York State teaching certificate.)
LCD 742. Methods and Materials of TESOL: The Content Areas. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: LCD 741. In this course students learn the principles and practices for TESOL/ESL through academic content areas such as mathematics, science, social studies, and language arts. Readings, model lessons, and authentic materials are used to examine the theoretical issues involved and apply them to teaching practices for ESL learners at the elementary and secondary levels.
LCD 790. Seminar in Research in TESOL. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: LCD 707 and 742. Analysis of selected research studies related to TESOL.
LCD 794. Student Teaching Internship in TESOL I. 3 hr. plus 20 hr./wk student teaching; 3 cr. Prereq. or coreq.: LCD 742. Supervised student teaching in ESL classes, plus a weekly seminar at the College. (For students who do not possess a New York State teaching certificate.)
LCD 795. Student Teaching Internship in TESOL II. 3 hr. plus 20 hr./wk student teaching; 3 cr. Prereq.: LCD 794. Supervised student teaching in ESL classes at either the elementary or secondary level, complementing the level of student teaching in LCD 794, plus a weekly seminar at the College. (For students who do not possess a New York State teaching certificate.)
LCD 796. Student Teaching Internship in TESOL for Certified Teachers. 3 hr. plus 20 hr./wk student teaching; 3 cr. Prereq.: LCD 742. Supervised student teaching in ESL classes, plus a weekly seminar at the College. (For students who possess a New York State teaching certificate.)