Undergraduate Program in Communication Sciences and Disorders

Program Director: Yael Neumann

Application Process

Students who wish to become Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) majors (Code 100-Speech Pathology) must formally apply to be admitted to the major.

  • To apply, students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (B) and 24 completed credits from a regionally accredited college or university.
  • Transfer students must be admitted by Queens College AND the CSD major before registration into any major courses. Transfer students may apply the semester prior to matriculation.
  • Applications for the CSD major may be downloaded from this website.
  • Students are admitted into the major on a rolling admission basis, meaning applications will be evaluated as they come in.
  • Applicants who qualify for admission go through a competitive review. The number of students admitted is dependent on the available space in the major. Consequently, all qualified students may not be admitted to the major in each semester.


Please email all application documents to: Gail.Oswald@

Completed applications can also be dropped off in Queens Hall 300A or 301A with Gail Oswald.

 Registration Process

CSD majors register into courses during the regular registration period in CUNYfirst.

NOTE: If you are part of a special group that gets priority with early registration, such as Macaulay Honors or the Seek Program, know that you will need to register on the regular registration date for all CSD courses based on your student classification (i.e., Sophomore, Junior, Senior). 

Please check your emails and the bulletin board outside QH Room 301A for program updates regarding registration schedules.

QC students are not permitted to take CSD major courses at other colleges or universities through the E-permit process.

Sample Course Sequence


NOTE: Students are typically enrolled in 2 to 3 courses a semester. The decision about how many major courses are taken a semester can be made by the UG Admissions Coordinator. Completion of the CSD major program typically takes 5-6 semesters.

(Courses marked with an * may be taken during any semester. See below for a list of courses)

First and Second Semesters (after acceptance into the program)

  • LCD 105. Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics for the Study of Typical and Atypical Language
  • LCD 106. Introduction to Communication Disorders
  • LCD 110. Phonetics
  • Course(s) from related areas*

Third Semester

  • LCD 207. Anatomy and Physiology for Speech and Language
  • LCD 216. Language Acquisition
  • Statistics*
  • Course(s) from related areas*

Fourth Semester

  • LCD 208. Hearing Science
  • LCD 316. Language and Communication in the School-Aged Child
  • LCD 322. Disorders of Speech or LCD 323. Disorders of Language
  • Course(s) from related areas*

Fifth Semester

  • LCD 309. Speech Science
  • LCD 322. Disorders of Speech or LCD 323. Disorders of Language
  • LCD 330. Audiology I
  • Course(s) from related areas*

Sixth Semester (If Needed)

  • Course(s) from related areas*

*Courses that may be taken any semester.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

  • PSYCH 214 (pre-req. PSYCH 101)
  • One 3 credit course in Statistics:  PSYCH 107.3 or MATH 114
  • One 3 credit course in Biological Science
  • One 3 credit course in Physical Science

The Biological and Physical Science courses are required for CSD students who entered the major in the Fall of 2022 or after. It is the student’s responsibility to check if pre-requisites are necessary for the above classes.

Some biology and, physics, and chemistry courses may also fulfill the college pathways’ requirement.

Please check the websites of any of the graduate programs that you are interested in to see if there are additional admission requirements.

Undergraduate Advising


Our department strives to empower all students with the information they need to make successful strides in the CSD major. We do this by providing personalized and comprehensive advisement using a three-step model.


Step #1: Join a Large Group General Advisement Meeting for ALL UG CSD students led by the Program Director.

  • Purpose: To provide students with general tips for success in the major and a broad overview of the major requirements, expectations, and sequence of how to proceed through the coursework. It is mandatory that all students attend at least one of these two meetings per academic year (Sep-June). Attendance will be taken.

NOTE: Two General Advisement meetings will be scheduled at the start of each Fall and Spring semester. Date/times and zoom link will be emailed via the department.


Step #2: Meet with your assigned CSD Advisor for a Small Group Advisor Meeting.

  • Purpose: To allow students to meet with their personal CSD advisor who will share their insights, advice, and guidance, and answer any CSD-related questions you may have as you move along in the major.


Step #3: Schedule an Individual Advisement Meeting with your assigned CSD advisor.

  • Purpose: To give students an opportunity to further clarify and answer specific questions related to your personal situation, concerns, and issues in the CSD major.


Dual Majors or Minors in Linguistics

Communication Sciences and Disorders students interested in taking a second major in Linguistics or a minor in Linguistics are advised to declare this with the Registar’s office. Please refer to the webpage for the General Linguistics major and minor for further information.

Please note that LCD 110 Phonetics may be used to satisfy the General Linguistics LCD 150 Linguistic Phonetics requirement, and LCD 105 Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics is an elective course for General Linguistics.  No other courses can be used to satisfy both the CSD major and LCD major/minor requirements.

 ** NOTE: LCD 101 fulfills the Pathways LANG requirement.  It is not required for the Communication Sciences and Disorders students, but it is strongly recommended.

Professional preparation in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

The professional preparation for careers in speech language pathology and audiology is accomplished exclusively at the graduate level. Students interested in pursuing careers in speech-language pathology or audiology should contact the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), and speak with their advisors.

Counseling Services

Counseling Services provides free and confidential services to anyone who is currently enrolled and registered as an undergraduate or graduate student at Queens College.
During this period of remote learning, Counseling Services provides individual and group counseling via phone or Zoom depending on the student’s preference.

Students can schedule an appointment to speak with a counselor by calling 718-997-5420 and leaving a message with their name, CUNY ID, and phone number. Students can also email counselingservices@ to inquire about services.