“There is a world to be known.” ― William James
Assessment Resources
To request assistance from OIE, see our Support page.
Faculty conducting course or program level assessment should review our Introduction to Academic Assessment.
Staff conducting administrative assessment should review our Guidelines for Administrative Assessment.
Teaching & Learning during Difficult Times
- Assessing student learning in a new Distance Learning Environment
- QC CTL Keep Teaching: Reviewing your course activities
- QC CTL Keep Teaching: Choosing the best assessments for your class
- QMQualityMatters Webinar: Strategies for transitioning to remote instruction
- QC Online Course Evaluation Rubric
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Teaching Course Design Rubric
- The Importance of a Pedagogy of Caring to Student Learning and Motivation
- How to Make the Most Out of Assigned Videos
- Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) for the Online Classroom
- ACUE’s Inclusive Practices Teaching Toolkit
- UMichigan Handling Difficult Topics in the Classroom
Guides, Templates and Other Tools
- An Introduction to Academic Assessment at QC
- AAC&U VALUE Rubrics
- Action Verbs for Measurable Objectives (Bloom’s)
- Assignment Charrette Tooklit (NILOA)
- Course Learning Objectives Organizer
- Curriculum Mapping Tool (Eberly Center)
- Example Direct and Indirect Measures
- Digital Tools to Support Formative Assessment
- QC Program Assessment Survey Template
- QC Alumni Outcomes Survey Template
- QC Guidelines for Survey Design
- QC Guidelines for Administrative Assessment
- QC Admin Assessment Planning Template
- QC Admin Assessment Annual Reporting Template
- QC Admin Assessment Worksheet – 1Mission
- QC Admin Assessment Worksheet – 2Goals/Objectives
- QC Admin Assessment Worksheet – 3Logic Model
- QC Admin Assessment Worksheet – 4Assessment Activity
CUNY Assessment 101: A Free Online Course
Brought to you by the CUNY Assessment Council, CUNY Assessment 101 introduces the principles of assessment in higher education.
Specifically, the course aims to:
- Demystify the assessment process
- Provide tools for building and implementing an assessment plan
- Support continuous improvement with a focus on student success and institutional effectiveness
Assessment Articles and Presentations
- Assess@CUNY Newsletter – Articles on assessment activities across CUNY
- Assessment from the Ground Up, Engelmann 2007
- Assessment Practices at the Program level, NILOA
- Does Continuous Assessment in Higher Education Support Student Learning? Hernandez 2012
- Curriculum Maps for Department Decision-Making, Lee 2010
- Guidelines for Good Assessment at the Department/Program Level, Wright 2004
- Improving Students’ Learning with Effective Learning Techniques, Dunlosky et al. 2013
- Levels of Assessment, AAC&U
- Mapping Learning Outcomes: What You Map is What You See, NILOA
- Measuring Learning Outcomes in Higher Education: Motivation Matters, Liu et al. 2012
- Organizing Assignment Charrettes, NILOA
- Reflecting on Assessment in Departments and General Education, Wolvoord 2011
- Student Affairs Assessment Leaders (SAAL) Journal of Student Affairs Inquiry
- The Learning Paradigm, Comiskey 2014
- Using Assessment Results, NILOA
- Higher Ed Bibliography (from Cornell University’s Center for Teaching Excellence)
Assessment Guides at Other Institutions
Learning Assessment Texts
- Ambrose, Susan A., et al. How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. Wiley. 2010.
- Angelo, T. & Cross, P. Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers. Jossey-Bass. 1993.
- Barr, R. B., & Tagg, J. From Teaching to Learning: A New Paradigm for Undergraduate Education. Change, 27(6), 12-25. 1995.
- Frechtling, Joy A. Logic Modeling Methods in Program Evaluation. Jossey-Bass. 2007.
- Huba, M. & Freed, J. Learner-Centered Assessment: Shifting the Focus from Teaching to Learning. Allyn & Bacon. 2000
- Merriam, Sharan B., et al. Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide. Wiley. 2012.
- Suskie, Linda. Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide. Jossey-Bass. 2009.
- Walvoord, Barbara E. Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment in College. Wiley. 2011.
In addition to the other resources listed above, Internet Resources for Higher Education Outcomes Assessment is a rich source of information on assessment practices at other institutions. The site contains hundreds of examples of assessment manuals and plans for various disciplines. Additionally, you may be interested in following the Chronicle of Higher Education’s weekly newsletter on teaching and learning.