Scene Shop
Our large, fully equipped scene shop is adjacent to the stage right wing of the Goldstein Theatre. Access from the shop to the theatre is via a 12 foot high roll up door, making it very easy to transport scenery directly onto the stage. The spacious shop has all the major power and hand tools necessary for scenic construction as well as a large work table which serves as both a workspace and teaching area. On Friday mornings, the shop serves as the classroom for the Intro. to Technical Theatre class, in which students receive both theoretical and hands on training in all aspects of technical theatre. The shop is also equipped with a standard height loading dock which can accommodate up to two trucks at a time.
All scenery for the Department of Drama, Theatre, & Dance productions is built in the scene shop by our students under the supervision of our staff Technical Director. This is an opportunity for students to develop the skills and get the hands on training necessary for the
process of scenic construction. Students will get experience using various construction materials including wood, steel, and styrofoam.
As shop safety is one of our main concerns, all of our tools are well maintained and the shop is cleaned daily. Students are required to follow all safety procedures while operating any power tools. Our newest addition to the shop, the Sawstop table saw, is equipped with the most state of the art technology when it comes to safety features.