Queens College's Student Email System
What is Office 365?
The New Queens College student e-mail system is a web-based service, provided by Microsoft’s Office 365. This service is a building-block in providing feature-rich set of tools for collaboration using Microsoft cloud-based products like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It is available to currently enrolled Undergraduate, Graduate, and Non-Degree registered students only.
The Agreement between CUNY and Microsoft does not include Alumni, therefore Office 365 is not available to this group.
Additional services in the future will include chat, video collaboration and more, all to compliment the shared calendar and address book already available.
How do I login to Office 365?
Your login name for Office 365 is your CUNYfirst Username followed by “@qmail.cuny.edu“
Example: John.Doe25@qmail.cuny.edu
Your password is your CUNYfirst password. If you have forgotten your CUNYfirst password, please click here for password recovery.
How do I get started with Office 365?
Click here for more information about Office 365.
What are the benefits to Office 365?
- Cloud-based email and calendars powered by Microsoft Exchange Online
- OneDrive – 1TB of cloud storage space per user
- Office Online – Cloud-based Office apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote)
- Office on Demand (Available to currently enrolled students only) Up to 5 separate installs of full versions of Microsoft Office applications on your computer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Publisher, and Access)
- Improved Mobile Access – Support for iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows Phone
- Better Collaboration (Chat and Presence)
- Keep Your Account After You Graduate – your account and email address are yours for life