Our BA in Economics trains students to understand market dynamics and government regulations to develop successful business and policy strategies.


Economic Analysis

We apply the core macro and micro theories to the analysis to markets and policy.


Empirical Methods

Applied use of econometric methods and data analysis. 


Wide-Ranging Electives

Students can choose electives in wide range of topics from Economics of Climate Change to Cryptocurrencies.


High Honors

Conduct original research and obtain optional high honors in Economics .


Banking・Government Agencies・NGOs・Sales・Human Resources

The B.A. in Economics is aimed at…

Students seeking a global understanding of market forces, regulations and economic policy.


Macroeconomic Policy・Game Theory・Econometric Analysis・Economic Growth ・Market Competition


Major in Economics


Via Virtual Form Submission

  1. Complete the BA Economics Major Concentration Form. Click the “Submit” button and then click “Print Now” to SAVE AS PDF. In Adobe Acrobat, sign and date your form and save the changes.
  2. Download and complete the fillable Declaration form. In Adobe Acrobat, sign and date where required; save the changes.
  3. From your QMAIL email address, send both of your signed forms to Emails sent from non-QMAIL addresses will not be opened.
  4. A staff member will forward your forms to a faculty advisor who will usually sign it within one week, and then your forms will be forwarded to Registrar.


Via In-Person Advisement

  1. Complete the BA Economics Major Concentration Form. Click the “Submit” button and then click “Print Now” to print your concentration form. Sign and date your form.
  1. Download and complete the fillable Declaration form. Print, then sign and date where required.
  1. Consult the walk-in BA Economics Major Concentration Form schedule to see when in-person advisement is available; no appointment is necessary but note that in-person advisement is only available at certain times. Bring both forms with you when you go for in-person advisement.
  1. Your faculty advisor will sign your forms and you will bring them to PH-300A where a staff member will forward a scanned copy to Registrar.

Requirements for Economics Majors:

  1. C- or better in each of the 11 courses (including MATH 131) used to obtain a major in economics. A higher grade in MATH 131 cannot be used to satisfy the following two averages. The P/NC option may not be utilized for any course required for the economics major, including MATH 131 or the equivalent.
  2. C average in 6 required courses for the major in Economics: 101, 102, 202, 201, 249, and 382.
  3. C average in 10 Economics or Business courses (6 required plus 4 electives) for the major in Economics. If more than 4 electives are taken, the best 4 are counted in the average.
  4. Of the 10 required and elective Economics or Business courses, at least 6 (not counting MATH 131) must be taken at Queens College so that not more than 4 can be transferred.
  5. Courses that can be taken as electives include Economics and Business courses that are 200 level and above. BUS 160W and ECON 393 cannot be used as electives.


7 Required Courses and 4 Electives as follows:


MATH 131: Calculus with Applications to the Social Sciences I

MATH 141: Calculus/Differentiation
MATH 151: Calculus/Differentiation & Integration

We strongly encourage students to seek placement in Math 141 (or 151)
2 ECON 101: Introduction to Macroeconomics
3 ECON 102: Introduction to Microeconomics
4 ECON 201: Macro-Economic Analysis
ECON 226: Macro-Economic Analysis (Mathematical Emphasis)
5 ECON 202: Price Theory
ECON 225: Price Theory (Mathematics Emphasis)
6 ECON 249: Statistics as Applied to Economics and Business
MATH 241: Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics
7 ECON 382: Introduction to Econometrics (which requires ECON 249 and MATH 131)
BUS 384: Forecasting and Regression Analysis for Business
8-11 Four courses from the Economics Electives

You can achieve High Honors in Economics if you maintain a 3.5 in all courses required for the major and you take ECON392W for one of your electives.

Perspectives in the Liberal Arts requirements

ECON 100, 101, and 102 have all been approved to satisfy certain PLAS (Perspectives in the Liberal Arts) requirements, the general education requirements that apply to students who matriculated in fall 2009 or later. Each of these economics courses satisfies two requirements: “Areas of Knowledge and Inquiry: Analyzing Social Structures” and “Global Contexts: United States.” PLAS requires two courses in the Social Structures category, but they must be from two different departments. Hence, students who have taken both Economics 101 and Economics 102 can receive PLAS credit for only one course.

Why take MATH 141 (or 151) as opposed to MATH 131?

We strongly encourage taking MATH 141 (or 151) over MATH 131. There are several good reasons for this:

     First, it opens up many doors. MATH 141 (or 151) provides access to other courses in Math and Computer Science.

     Second, it is a great investment. MATH 141 (or 151) will provide you with the mathematical skills you need to excel in courses such as ECON 201 and 202, and BUS 249, 353, 382 or 386.

     Third, MATH 141 (or 151) is a pre-requisite for the Financial Modeling Minor, which is a great addition to your Economics major if you are interested in a career in quantitative finance or economics.

Minor in Economics


Via Virtual Form Submission

  1.  Complete the Economics Minor Concentration Form.  Click the “Submit” button and then click “Print Now” to SAVE AS PDF.  In Adobe Acrobat, sign and date your form and save the changes.
  1. Download and complete the fillable Declaration form.   In Adobe Acrobat, sign and date where required; save the changes.
  2. From your student QMAIL address, send both of your signed forms to  Emails sent from non-QMAIL addresses will not be opened.
  3. A staff member will forward your forms to a faculty advisor who will usually sign it within one week, your forms will then be forwarded to Registrar.


Via In-Person Advisement

  1. Complete the Economics Minor Concentration Form.  Click the “Submit” button and then click “Print Now” to print your concentration form.  Sign and date your form.
  1. Download and complete the fillable Declaration form.  Print, then sign and date where required.
  1. Consult the walk-in Fall 2023 Faculty Office Hours schedule to see when in-person advisement is available; no appointment is necessary but note that in-person advisement is only available at certain times. Bring both forms with you when you go in for in-person advisement.
  1. Your faculty advisor will sign your forms and you will bring them to PH-300A where a staff member will forward a scanned copy to Registrar.

Requirements for Economics Minors:

  1. C- or better in each of the 7 courses (including MATH 131) used to obtain a minor in economics. A higher grade in MATH 131 cannot be used to satisfy the following two averages.
  2. C average in 4 required courses for the minor in Economics: 101, 102; and two of ECON 202, 201, and 249.
  3. C average in 6 Economics or Business courses (4 required plus 2 electives) for the minor in Economics. If more than 2 electives are taken, the best 2 are counted in the average.
  4. Of the 6 required and elective Economics or Business courses, at least 4 (not counting MATH 131) must be taken at Queens College so that not more than 2 can be transferred.
  5. Courses that can be taken as electives include Economics and Business courses that are 200 level and above. BUS 160W and ECON 393 cannot be used as electives.

5 Required Courses and 2 Electives as follows:


MATH 131: Calculus with Applications to the Social Sciences I
MATH 141: Calculus/Differentiation
MATH 151: Calculus/Differentiation & Integration

We strongly encourage students to seek placement in Math 141 (or 151)
2 ECON 101: Introduction to Macroeconomics
3 ECON 102: Introduction to Microeconomics
Choose 2 electives from:

ECON 201/ECON 226: Macro-Economic Analysis
ECON 202/ECON 225: Price Theory
ECON 249 / MATH 241: Statistics as Applied to Economics and Business

6-7 Choose 2 Economics Electives


To declare your Economics Minor, use this form. You must complete both forms and email them to an advisor for signature.


Perspectives in the Liberal Arts requirements

ECON 100, 101, and 102 have all been approved to satisfy certain PLAS (Perspectives in the Liberal Arts) requirements, the general education requirements that apply to students who matriculated in fall 2009 or later. Each of these economics courses satisfies two requirements: “Areas of Knowledge and Inquiry: Analyzing Social Structures” and “Global Contexts: United States.” PLAS requires two courses in the Social Structures category, but they must be from two different departments. Hence, students who have taken both Economics 101 and Economics 102 can receive PLAS credit for only one course.


Why take MATH 141 (or 151) as opposed to MATH 131?

We strongly encourage taking MATH 141 (or 151) over MATH 131. There are several good reasons for this:

     First, it opens up many doors. MATH 141 (or 151) provides access to other courses in Math and Computer Science.

     Second, it is a great investment. MATH 141 (or 151) will provide you with the mathematical skills you need to excel in courses such as ECON 201 and 202, and BUS 249, 353, 382 or 386.

     Third, MATH 141 (or 151) is a pre-requisite for the Financial Modeling Minor, which is a great addition to your Economics major if you are interested in a career in quantitative finance or economics.