Psychology > Committees > Undergraduate Council


In line with our mission and goals, the projects we oversee and the resources that we create aim to support students in critical areas of their development. The projects below can be found as resources both on the right-side resources tab of this webpage, as well as our psychology resource database.

Queens College Psychology Resource Database 

Our resource database includes a magnitude of information for all students navigating Psychology, Neuroscience, and their related fields. We have resources stemming from graduate school preparation, obtaining research and clinical experiences, information about careers and internships, recorded workshops, and student resources such as scholarships, information about funding, and professional organizations. This database is regularly updated and is open for all students to use and share.

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Undergraduate Progress Timeline

Our undergraduate progress timeline is designed assist undergraduates plan out their four-years in college. We have separated each year, from freshman year to senior year, and highlighted what students should focus on as they prepare for during and after time as an undergraduate. We also have helpful tips from committee members on navigating courses and preparing for graduate school.

Clinical Opportunities at Queens College

Many students are interested in going into clinical professions such as social work, counseling, and clinical psychology. We have listed opportunities found at Queens College that students can gain valuable exposure to clinical experiences and prepare for their next steps into becoming mental health professionals.

Graduate School Preparation Guide

Our graduate school preparation guide aims to give students necessary information on preparing for graduate school in Psychology and Neuroscience. This guide helps students with what to do after completing their undergraduate degree, finding a professional field of interest, choosing a graduate program, costs of attending graduate school, and how to prepare application materials such as personal statements, resumes, and letters of recommendations.

Graduate Application Overview

Our application overview guide gives students quick information about applying to graduate school. Students will find information about similarities and differences between master’s and doctoral programs, program admissions and deadlines, and additional considerations for preparation.

Research and Authorship Guide

For students interested in research, this guide helps students understand their role as a research assistant and provides guidance on advocating for authorship during research publication.