Comparative Literature
Comparative Literature is an ideal subject for students with a passion for reading and curiosity about the world. It involves the study of world literature, exploring oral and written works across nations, languages, and cultures and in their historical, social, and cultural contexts. The courses—taught by faculty from all the college’s language and literature departments as well as from philosophy and anthropology—teach students to bring cross-cultural perspectives to the work of close reading and critical writing.
Such training helps launch graduates in professions that require well-developed communication skills, complex reasoning, and multicultural sensitivities. Comparatists work in publishing, journalism, the media, the arts, public relations, and other information industries. Often they work in international and multicultural contexts where foreign-language and translation skills are an asset. Many go on to graduate school as well as to law, medical, and professional schools.
Office Information
Location: Queens Hall 270C
Phone: 718-997-5690
Admissions at a Glance
Degree(s) Offered:
Bachelor of Arts (BA), with a contration in Area Studies or Global Cultural Studies
Comparative Literature