European Languages & Literatures

The program of instruction in the European Languages & Literatures Department prepares students to understand, appreciate, and use the language, literature, and culture of the French-, German-, Greek-, Italian-, and Russian-speaking worlds through the achievement of an accurate reading knowledge, adequate aural comprehension, and conversational proficiency. Upon completion of the basic courses, students are expected to have a thorough, practical command of the language they have studied, including an ability to understand more fully the culture or cultures of which that language is a reflection. Elective courses consist of both linguistic and literary studies of a more advanced and specialized nature.

Office Information

Queens Hall 200
Phone: 718-997-5980
Fax: 718-997-5072

Admissions at a Glance

Degree(s) Offered:
European Languages & Literatures (see also French, German, Italian, and Russian)

European Studies