Psychology > Graduate > Behavioral Neuroscience > Funding



All applicants will automatically be considered for Queens College Foundation merit-based scholarships, up to $6,000 annually for tuition.  The Master’s in Behavioral Neuroscience is a 32 credit program, designed to be completed in 2 years although students can attend part-time or take longer as needed. For example, for a full-time student, costs are $5,545 per semester for New York state residents, which is a total cost to degree (over 2 years) of $22,180.  Please see this link for further information on calculating costs:

Teaching Assistant Scholarships

We have Teaching Assistant (TA) positions available for students who would like to assist faculty in their classes.  Applications are required for these semester-long positions and will require meeting with undergraduates in small groups to supplement class lectures.  The courses available for TA positions willl depend on faculty need and graduate student strengths.  Please indicate your interest for a TA position on your application.

Adjunct Teaching

Some 2nd year MA can become eligible to receive an adjunct teaching appointment in psychology. This requires successful completion of our Teaching Apprentice Program (TAP). MA students need to complete at least one semester (min. 6 credits) before they can apply for the TAP. Spots are limited, i.e., access to TAP is competitive. The earliest possible time to teach a class is in Year 2 (3rd or 4th semester). Note that successful TAP completion is required for students to be considered for the adjunct pool but does not guarantee teaching assignments.

Please contact program Director, Dr. Kerstin Unger directly if you have any questions about scholarships or funding: