Psychology > Graduate > Behavioral Neuroscience > Goals & Experiences

Goals & Experiences

Capstone Experiences

Integral to this MA program is a required research thesis serving as the culmination of a minimum of one year of research conducted in the lab of a faculty mentor. The thesis is evaluated by a three-person faculty committee. Students are also required to give an oral presentation on the thesis to this faculty committee.

The Learning Goals for MABN Students

(1) Master core and quantitative courses in behavioral neuroscience at a graduate level

(2) Conduct behavioral neuroscience research at the level of independent investigator

(3) Communicate information about behavioral neuroscience at a level adequate for teaching of the discipline

The purpose of this program is to allow promising Masters graduate students to engage in intensive, research-based study within the field of Behavioral Neuroscience.

The Goals of the Program

(1)  To provide graduates of the program with enhanced chances of being admitted into highly-competitive Doctoral Training Programs in Behavioral Neuroscience and other Neuroscience-related fields.

(2)  To enhance the chances that graduates of the program will gain employment within the private sector as Research Assistants/Associates trained in the growing field of Neuroscience and Neuroscience-related fields.