Biology: Bachelor of Arts (BA) in General Biology or Biology Secondary Education

Biology is the natural science concerned with all forms of life and life processes. The curriculum offers a general foundation as well as advanced coursework toward many specializations. Evening studies are also available.

Biology serves as a large umbrella for many kinds of scientists and professionals. Biologists conduct basic and applied experimental and clinical work in both the public and private sectors—in the field, in zoos and wildlife refuges, in laboratories, and in medical settings. Just a few of the areas in which they work are wildlife and field ecology, conservation and environmental restoration, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and forensics. Although students with a BA may find employment as laboratory technicians, wildlife monitors, and other entry-level positions, those who hope to pursue a research career should plan to go on to graduate school. For many, biology is the first step toward medical, dental, or veterinary school. Biologists also work in law- and policy-related fields concerning scientific issues or in areas like scientific and medical illustration and writing.

Office Information

Location: Science Building D346
Phone: 718-997-3400
Fax: 718-997-3445

Office Information For Secondary Education

Chair: David Gerwin
Dept. Office: Powdermaker 150
Staff Phone: 718-997-5150
Staff Email:

Admissions at a Glance

Degree(s) Offered:
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in General Biology or Biology Secondary Education
